What is a Tongue Thrust?
Tongue thrust, commonly called a reverse swallow, is a myofunctional disorder where the tongue protrudes through the teeth. This can be in the front or on either side of the mouth. You will recognize the affects of this when you see an “open bite,” where the upper and lower teeth don’t fit together because the tongue is pushing against and through the teeth upon chewing, swallowing or speaking. Without retraining the tongue and facial muscles this habit will continue. If a child gets braces prior to eliminating the tongue thrust, the problem will still be there. Orthodontic treatment will relapse (if you’re able to close the gap at all) and the child will be back to square one. With myofunctional therapy, these habits can typically be typically be retrained in 3-4 weeks. However, follow through with the full treatment will help guarantee long term success of the habit not returning.